A downloadable game

A game for the 3 week long ๐Ÿ Great Autumn Game Jam: 2021 ๐Ÿ„.

No supernatural spectre, phantom or wraith is safe. It's up to you to harvest them!

WASD to move

Press Q to throw an Atomic Fusion Containment Device
- The trap captures ghosts and destroys them

Left Mouse Button to fire the Hyper-Ionization Beam
- Long beam range, less energy drain but decreased damage

Right Mouse Button to fire the Ethereal Proton Beam
- Short beam range, more energy drain and increased damage

ESC for sound options and to pause the game


Mauricio Redondo https://sephez.itch.io/


Miguel Redondo https://nimeth.itch.io/


Dani Stob https://danistob.itch.io/

Bruno Marques https://obrunomarques.itch.io/

Felipe Arcazas https://czarcazas.itch.io/


GhostHarvesters.zip 64 MB

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